Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Math Craft, the series


Math Craft, the Series

by Dini Capungmungil

Product Details.
Original Language   :  English-Indonesian (Bilingual)
Binding                     :  Hardback, 12 pages
Type                          :  Boardbook
Publisher                   :  Ufuk kecil, 2011
Dimensions               :  14 x 13,5 cm    

What to expect : toddler math reader book
Book Review
Math Craft is a series of 3 math books for toddler (children under 3 years old).
Introducing the concept of numbers (in What’s in the Pond? Let’s count), shapes (in  Let’s go traveling) and sizes (in How high is the hill?).
Uniquely illustrated using colouful felt clothes, these books will grab the attention of the children from the moment they see them. Wrapped in a felt box, children can play with the felt numbers as an extra fun activity.

As Reading Literature
This book is suiatble as bedtime book for babies and toddlers.

3 komentar:

  1. Belum punya bukunya, tapi sudah direncanakan buat dibeli.
    Kemasan bukunya nggak cepat sobek ya?

  2. Buku nya tebal nggak ya?

  3. Math Craft ini adalah boardbook (halamannya tebal), jadi relatif tidak mudah sobek.
    Tapi ketebalannya lebih tipis dibanding boardbook di negara barat.
    Mungkin dengan pertimbangan di Indonesia boardbook tidak sampai dikunyah2 atau dikemut2 oleh para bayi (hal ini cukup lazim di negara2 barat)
