Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Dicari : Ilustrator buku anak (November 2011)

1 Lead ilustrator
1 Ilustrator

Project Title: Pembuatan ilustrasi buku anak

Publisher: BIP

Lead Ilustrator:
1.       Menciptakan kreasi gambar utama (ilustrasi) sesuai tema naskah yang diberikan oleh penulis.
2.       Memberikan arahan kepada ilustrator agar hasil ilustrasinya sesuai dengan pola ilustrasi yang telah ditentukan.
3.       Membuat lay-out naskah sesuai dengan draft lay-out dari penulis dalam aplikasi indesign. Gambar dalam format .tiff yang tidak di flatten.

1.       Bekerja sama dengan ilustrator dalam membuat ilustrasi sesuai tema naskah yang diberikan oleh penulis dan arahan dari lead illustrator.
2.       Membuat lay-out naskah sesuai dengan draft lay-out dari penulis dalam aplikasi indesign. Gambar dalam format .tiff yang tidak di flatten.

1.       Mampu bekerja secara tim dan mandiri.
2.       Mampu membuat gambar yang sederhana namun menarik bagi anak-anak.

Spesifikasi Ilustrasi:
1. Gambar Situasi
Jenis: colour
Background: putih/transparan
Size: 22x28 cm
Format: .tiff yang tidak di flatten

2. Gambar Object (clipart)
Jenis: colour
Background: putih/transparan
Size: 5x5 cm (300 DPI)
Format: .tiff yang tidak di flatten

Pembagian Ilustrasi:
Lead Ilustrator
20 Gambar Situasi, colour
200 Gambar Object (Clipart), colour

10 Gambar Situasi, colour
10 Gambar Situasi, BW
200 Gambar Object (Clipart), colour
50 Gambar Object (Clipart), BW

6 minggu sejak kontrak ditandatangani

Tipe Ilustrasi Diinginkan:
·         Warna cerah
·         Tokoh/objek jenaka
·         Gimmick konsisten
·         Untuk referensi gambar: lihat contoh ilustrasi di bawah

Persyaratan Pendaftaran:
Melampirkan dokumen/file berikut:
1.     CV
2.     Contoh gambar
Jumlah: 2 buah
Jenis gambar: Gambar situasi dengan tema berikut:
1.    Tema gambar: Mode of transportation (city view with varios mode of transportation)
Object: airplane, bike, boat, bus, car, motorbike, rocket, train.
2.    Tema gambar: Pet animals (happy kids in a pet shop full of cute animals)
Object: bird, cat, chicken, dog, fish, hamster, rabbit, turtle.
3.     Penawaran harga total.
4.     Dokumen dikirimkan melalui email ke: gks_256@yahoo.com dengan menuliskan judul titel pekerjaan yang diinginkan (Lead Ilustrator/Ilustrator).
5.     Akan dipilih 4 nominee ilustrator untuk kemudian diajukan ke penerbit untuk seleksi akhir.
Pada tahap akhir akan dipilih 2 ilustrator untuk bergabung dalam project ini.
6.     Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, hubungi: Gantina, email: gks_256@yahoo.com

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Math Craft, the series


Math Craft, the Series

by Dini Capungmungil

Product Details.
Original Language   :  English-Indonesian (Bilingual)
Binding                     :  Hardback, 12 pages
Type                          :  Boardbook
Publisher                   :  Ufuk kecil, 2011
Dimensions               :  14 x 13,5 cm    

What to expect : toddler math reader book
Book Review
Math Craft is a series of 3 math books for toddler (children under 3 years old).
Introducing the concept of numbers (in What’s in the Pond? Let’s count), shapes (in  Let’s go traveling) and sizes (in How high is the hill?).
Uniquely illustrated using colouful felt clothes, these books will grab the attention of the children from the moment they see them. Wrapped in a felt box, children can play with the felt numbers as an extra fun activity.

As Reading Literature
This book is suiatble as bedtime book for babies and toddlers.

Bananas in Pajamas (Classic Nursery Rhymes)

Bananas in Pajamas (Piano Book)

by ABC for kids

Product Details.
Original Language   :  English
Binding                     :  Boardbook, 10 pages
Type                          :  Piano Book
Publisher                   :  Redwood Editions, 1998
Dimensions               :  19 x 13 cm       

What to expect : classic nursery rhyme and song key
Book Review
Young children are always attracted to sound and love to sing. Introduce the nursery rhymes and it’s song using this piano book. Let them follow the song key and sing together with them. Reading can’t never be this fun.
Rhymes : Ring-A-Ring O'Roses, Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars, Hickory Dickory Dock, Little Miss Muffet, It's Raining-It's Pouring.

As Reading Literature
A good book for babies and your children. They’ll love it for sure.

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty

by Moira Kemp

Product Details.
Original Language   :  English
Binding                     :  Hardback, 10 pages
Type                          :  Picture book (Pop-up book)
Publisher                   :  Hodder Headline Australia, 1996
Dimensions               :  28 x 21 cm       

What to expect : classic nursery rhyme in a pop-up setting
Book Review
Who doesn’t know Humpty Dumpty?
I think he’s the most famous eggs on earth. With his break-into-pieces great fall story, this classic nursery rhyme will never be forgotten.
Introduce the love of reading to your babies and little children with this book. Children will love the colourful and eye-catching illustrations and definitely fall in love with the pop-up surprise on each page.

As Reading Literature
A good reference for young readers

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

by Robert Louise Stevenson, adapted by Kate McMullan

Product Details.
Original Language   :  English
Binding                     :  Paperback, 94 pages
Type                          :  Chapter book
Publisher                   :  Random House, 1984
Dimensions               :  19 x 13 cm       

What to expect : a classic thriller story
Book Review
Dr. Jekyll is a kind and well respected doctor in London. He has a dream to create a powerful drug that can part a man into two personalities, a good and an evil side. His good friend and co-worker, Dr. Lanyon, laughs at this idea and thinks his idea impossible. Dr. Jekyll, pushed by his anger over this rejection, spends days and night in his lab to create the secret drug. And he is successful. He manages to separate his good and bad part, but then get horrifyingly amazed on how powerful the evil side of his overpower himself.
I think children with ample curiosity on thriller story would love to read it. On the contrary, this rather dark story might have minimum engagement from those who prefer humorous or adventurous story.

As Reading Literature
This book is suitable for intermediate readers (7-10 years old) who wish to read thriller story.